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The following case report shows the medical course of a sagittal ulnar splitting. The 29-year-old patient developed osteomyelitis of the right elbow joint in childhood. Subsequently, a pronounced ulnar advancement with painful movement restrictions in the wrist develops. Therefore, a sagittal ulnar split was performed and fixed with five bone screw grafts. Ten weeks after the procedure, the patient can return to his work as a high-voltage fitter without any complaints.



Ulnar advancement clearly visible



Sagittal Z-shaped shortening of the ulna and osteosynthesis with five bone screw grafts


2 weeks postoperatively

X-ray in cast


8 weeks postoperatively

X-ray image during cast removal. Good fusion is already visible


12 weeks postoperatively

Good callus formation and no signs of loosening of fixation


1 year postoperatively

Bone screw grafts only rudimentarily visible. No osteolysis present

Clinical case of Dr. Klaus Pastl, Linz in Austria. Sagittal ulnar splitting with five human bone screw grafts. (documentation period 2010-2011) © surgebright GmbH

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